The Ocean Bubble Buddy is a bar soap dish and grater product. About 99% of the plastic used for this soap dish was collected from the oceans and mainly consists of discarded fishing gear—also known as ghost nets. This soap dish is designed to make it easier for you switch from using liquid soap and plastic bottles, and comes with one Dr. Bronner’s Citrus Pure-Castile Bar Soap.
This special eco-design project was created by Foekje Fleur in collaboration with Sea Shepherd to bring attention to the growing problem of plastic pollution. Marine wildlife needs safe sanctuaries without pollution, plastics, and other marine debris that choke and destroy their habitats. Sea Shepherd protects this fragile ecosystem and endorses projects that prevent more plastic from entering our seas, like the Ocean Bubble Buddy. The specific mix of collected ocean plastic is what gives the Bubble Buddy its dark green color.
A perfect eco-friendly, sustainable gift—for you or someone you love— to make the world a cleaner place!
Suggested Uses
This product is versatile and functional! Use the Ocean Bubble Buddy to grate bar soap, mix it in water, and use for different home and body uses. The Ocean Bubble Buddy functions as a soap dish by placing the grater side down in the tray base. The holes in the grater side will keep your soap dry and help it last longer.